Friday, September 22, 2017

Warner Bros' Akira, Round Who Is This For Again?

Good Lord, how long have I been away?

Seriously, there's dust everywhere.

Anyway, jokes aside, yes, it's been a while. I have a couple of projects coming down line, including trying something for October.

Also look for: final articles from my Gundam movies retrospective and the 'Sometimes They Come Back' Halloween run of 2015 (because otherwise that means I watched Nekromantik 2 and The Lost Boys: The Tribe for nothing. Try and guess which I regret more – you may be pleasantly surprised).
Anyway, that's for down the line. For today, I wish to discuss something that has remained about the same as it was when I last turned off the lights here.
That's right – Warner Bros is still trying to get that live action Akira adaptation off the ground.